From Megchan's J-Pop Lyrics
Revision as of 21:31, 7 November 2007 by Megchan (talk | contribs) (New page: <b class="title">The Nowarist</b> '''STRAIGHTENER''' ---- <br>December sunrise <br>I start aimlessly <br>And throw the compass away <br>The sun shines on my way <br> <br>December rain...)
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The Nowarist


December sunrise
I start aimlessly
And throw the compass away
The sun shines on my way

December rain down
I get under cover
And close eyes sleeplessly
There is comfort in the sound

It reminds me of your beat

December sunset
I start aimlessly
And throw the old map away
The stars light my way up

It reminds me of your eyes

I believe it won't be very long
The sun shines on our way
I believe it won't be very long
The stars light our way up

I believe