X JAPAN/Give Me the Pleasure

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Give Me the Pleasure


Silence all around
I feel good
Oh! What's going on? Fuck the blood

Give me the pleasure, more than this
That's mental destruction
I hurt myself, and I reach a stage of pain
Cry out, writh around

Give me the pleasure
That's destruction of famed mentality
I hurt myself, and I reach a stage of pain

Start the show that destroy all
The people that has gone mad kill each other
Actually, truth gonna be destroyed
And the truth of feint is made at all

Truth, this is not exist anywhere
Not this must not exist
Pleasure of sprit, it's just all in my life
But I don't know, don't know only what, I don't know

So truth isn't exist anywhere
Imagination is truth

Give me the pleasure, more than this
Cry out, with around